
From BridgeTheGap Help


This platform provides a locally hosted custom website for people to configure their migrations(data moves) and perform their data discoveries(reports and widgets). Training is required to utilize the features because they affect actually create and drop databases. A portal is a very powerful tool with many advanced functionalities normally limited to an engineering skillset. This portal is an attempt to enable an individual to achieve some of these advanced tasks with a simplified interface but it will take some investment into training.

The portal handles the creations of needed storage databases of information to move your data. This information includes authentications, data configurations, custom fields, defaults and lookup values. This article will describe some of the main concepts to be aware of when using this portal.


The platform allows you to use any template your desire for your display portal(website). Once the platform is installed the default baseline template is assigned to your domain. You can adjust your setting by going to the links listed below. Portal Instances are configured around the concepts of domain names. You can have many domains hosted on your platform as you desire.


The platform allows for the ability to adjust your tab displays in different layout formats. I prefer the minimal display nut most people are used to the vertical placement of menus. This can be set from the edit client found in administration or the user edit record screens.



Each template should include a call to provide the login menu features for website access. This appears as a security lock icon usually in the upper right side of a website. Clicking this will display the following login abilities.

Login lock.png Bfclogin1.png

  System Administrator allow access to all domains created on the platform and manages the system as a whole.
  Users can be administrators, developers or any number of roles as you desire and configure with permissions and access settings. At minimum one portal administrator should be responsible for maintaining the portals access and use cases. 


These are the various ways to access platform features.


These administrative tools are system wide and effect all features of the platform offerings. These offer global access to all instance administration needs. The access for this menu is found near the login menus and will show up only for system administrators (agents) Bfcadminmenus.png

Home Menus

This can be accessed by the 'home' icon located by the login creds in the upper right side of most websites. This provides a few quick links to some common features and will be the page the announces new features when you upgade. Bfchomemenu.png

Login Menus

These menus are typically located in the upper right side of a website under the login. The features are divided into three main categories: Reports, Data, and Display. Each button will offer a drop-down of various functionality access to the platform. Each of these items will open a new functionality in a tab.


The House loads the home quicklink page. The Gears loads the system administration features. Click your username and you will load the user record. You can create custom links to any of these features using the page editor and using the same url address value.


Display Access

  • FormPages : create custom pages to display reports and service options
  • ContentEditor: adjust content displayed on the main page or pick a new style
  • Permission: add custom permissions to be used as you see fit
  • Users : add and remove users, edit password vaults

Data Moves

  • Migration : add/edit migration details
  • DataSources : add/edit data access credentials
  • Models : add/edit data schemas for migrations
  • Lookups : add/edit options for data cleanup lookup lists


  • Reports : access to instant reporting and widget creation
  • SystemReports : access to canned reports and users path tracking
  • Maintenance : access to results of built in maintenance process runs

Reports offered in this Platform are basic to allow the ability to discover and view the data moved, warehoused or residing in the platform.

  • Data Reports: allows search of any database. (stage/remote/report)
  • API Reports: allows a live data search of particular APIs. (remote)
  • Anomaly Reports: shows anomaly and errors that happened in the system (all, no remote)
  • Stat Reports: shows stats captures for every migration run (stage/remote/report)
  • Usage: pulls all related data to a particular loaded record in the system

Access and Filters

These search filters are common through the whole system and are required for access and schema information. You will always have to tell the platform where your data is, how to access it and what it looks like using this feature.

  Please see Models and DataSources as a prerequisite to this tool.



The widgets can be adjusted as often as needed for date range or data filters or just creating a rolodex list of contacts. If a unique identifier can be determined, a spyglass will appear allowing you to directly link to the record. The live searches in some cases can even link to third-party systems allowing you to combine SSO and instant linking for quicker processing.
  • This type of report is called a SUMMARY report and can be used to create pages listing data your desire to see, like an excel sheet. Every summary report comes with an auto search and paging feature for display.


  • This type of report is called INTERACTIVE and allows you to change graph displays on the fly based on filters and date ranges you create.


  • This type of report is called CHART and allows you to build various charts for dropping quick statistic views to share.

Timeline emails2016-2017.png

Record Details

Record details from reports and Usage tabs, by design, pull any related information to the display, making it easier to validate record correlations. This is only available when the system can determine a unique identifier in the data. Unique identifiers are set using the Models feature.

  • This shows the record detail view of information

Port recdetail.png

Portal recdetail.png
